
Statement of Purpose

Music is an important means of worship expression within our church community. We encourage all who join us for worship to sing with us regardless of ability as our congregational singing is a testimony of our belief and faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Through singing, we express our praise and thanksgiving to God, we learn and internalize His word, we teach and admonish each other in the faith, and we proclaim His great name to the world. The instruments used in our worship are intended to honor God through skillful creation of sound and to support singing within the church. It is our hope that God is proclaimed through all elements of our worship service, especially our music.


Our choirs exist to glorify God by singing praise to Him, encouraging congregational singing, and skillfully sharing songs of the faith in a way that demonstrates the creativity God has bestowed on us. While rehearsals develop musical presentation skills and emphasize meaning of the texts we sing as related to God’s word, they also foster a caring community of support for one another.

Our Sanctuary Choir is open to all members and prospective members. It is an integral part of our 11 AM worship service and periodically sings in holiday concerts and special events. Rehearsals are on Wednesday evenings at 7:00.

Our J.O.Y. (Just Older Youth) Choir is an opportunity for our senior adults to fellowship with one another during the week. They periodically sing in our morning worship service and in special programs. They also sing concerts of encouragement in local nursing homes. Rehearsals are generally on Thursdays at 11:00am.

Our Men’s Ensemble is a vocal group that frequently sings in a variety of contexts. The group of men frequently sings in four part harmony both acapella and with accompaniment. Rehearsals are Sunday night at  5:00.

Our Praise Team leads worship using contemporary songs in our 11:10 service located in our Fellowship Hall. This praise band supports singing for worship in our contemporary service with guitars, keyboard and drums. Come and worship with us!

Our Primary Choir (Grades K-2) and Elementary Choir (Grades 3-6) provide our children with the opportunity to learn their faith through music. They exist to teach our children how to creatively express themselves to God and how to share their faith with others through song. They also exist to inspire future musical leadership within the church. They meet Wednesday nights during the school year at 6:00.

Instrumental Groups

Our instrumental groups exist to glorify God by skillfully praising Him with creative sounds, supporting singing within the church, encouraging the use of and development of God-given talents in individuals, and proclaiming His name wherever called upon to do so.

Our Instrumental Ensemble is open to all instrumentalists who are seeking a place to use their talents. The group provides support for congregational hymn singing, performs special arrangements during worship services, and occasionally accompanies the Sanctuary Choir. They meet Wednesday nights at 6:15.

Our Handbell Choir is open to all who are interested in using this creative medium to praise and worship God. They periodically play throughout the year in worship and special holiday services. Rehearsals are at 3:30 on Sunday afternoons during the school year.

Our Praise Band Our Praise Band is made up of guitarists, keyboardists, and percussionists who use their talents to worship God and support congregational singing in our 11:10 contemporary service.