Sunday Mornings

9:45am Sunday School

During Sunday school we have a large group time filled with music, Bible Stories and prayer. After large group is small group where we use games and activities to reinforce the Bible Study.

11:00am Children's church

Our children start by joining their parents in worship. Then after a short time our children are escorted up to our student room to continue worshipping. We have music, games, and most importantly a Biblical message each week. When service is over parents are asked to come to pick up their children in the student room. Your child will not be released except to their parents unless other arrangements are made ahead of time.

Wednesday Evenings

6:00pm Music and Team Building

From 6:00 to 6:30pm we have two choirs for our elementary age students. Following choir from 6:30 to 7:00pm your kiddos will have a chance to play together and build relationships that we hope will last a long time.


Additional Resources for Parents of Elementary Kids.

Elementary Conversation Guides

Bible App For Kids

Parent Cue App

Common Sense Media